Tips For Getting Wrinkles Out Of Curtain Panels

If you have curtains in your home, you likely are relying on them to give your ceiling the impression of being higher, to frame your windows, and to generally make the room in which they are located look as good as possible. This is going to be difficult if they look wrinkled. You might not know the best way to get the wrinkles out of your curtain panels. You probably don't want to take them off of their hangings due to the fact that they might be heavy and bulky. This means that traditional ironing is going to be out of the question. Here are some tips for getting the wrinkles out of your curtain panels so that they look as good as possible. You will need a steamer for this procedure. If you do not have one, you can purchase one online.

1. Close Your Curtains

First, close your curtains so that the rod on which they are hanging is relatively fully covered. This should spread your curtains out so that they are laying relatively flat.

2. Steam Your Curtains

Next, take your steamer and fill it fully with water. Steamers can only work for so long without having to pause to have more water heated, so be sure that you are filling it up as much as you can. Wait for your water heater to indicate to you that the water has been heated enough to create the appropriate level of steam. Then, while holding the steamer vertically, start at the top corner of the curtain panels. Move down the curtains, keeping the steamer vertical at all times. Move slowly enough so that you can see the wrinkles appear to melt away. Do this until you have passed over the entire set of curtains once fully.

3. Allow to Dry

Before you close the curtains, allow them to dry out all the way. This will allow you to inspect your work and make sure that you don't need to go over the curtains again with your steamer. If you do see wrinkles, take another pass.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in draperies, like Phoenix Window Fashions. They might be able to professionally steam your curtains and draperies and then transport them back to you without having them wrinkled at any point. This is good if your curtain panels go up higher than you are able to reach.
